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July 25, 2008

I am late today, sorry! I was out and about looking at delectable fabrics to make up some tarot/oracle bags…I ended up splurging (yikes!) and bought some – so the sewing machine will be out early tomorrow! lol

I can’t quite get my thoughts around this draw. The Garden can be my social network, sometimes my internet groups; it could be a party/get-together? Garden+Anchor can mean great satisfaction or serenity, but that would be kind of funny considering the Lily is right after it, meaning the same thing!

The Garden+Anchor, in Sylvie’s book, also has the meaning of “stable prosperity”…now that’s an appealing prospect! lol stable prosperity, with being pleased at a job well done… I keep getting in my different readings that something is about to pop financially…so maybe this is one more hint.

I don’t have any plans (or know of) any Gardens that are well established and old 🙂 but maybe I’ll hear something about one!

The Anchor+Lily can refer to geneaology, old records, something antique? so maybe this combination to could be referring to an antique fair…. or a group of people tracing their roots….

I also get the feeling that it could do with seniors…maybe an anniversary celebration of many years?

I can’t really relate! but you never know how something offbeat will crop up, so it’s duly noted! lol

2 Comments leave one →
  1. July 26, 2008 12:52 pm

    Hi Spirity,

    The first thing that came to my mind with these cards is that perhaps being part of the internet “community” with your blogs and web cam visits and stuff like that is a great stabilizer in your life and gives you a sense of peace and security.


  2. spiritsong permalink*
    July 26, 2008 1:51 pm

    You know Sammie, that’s a good point- it is a stabilizer! studying the different forms of cartomancy and sharing with others, gives my monkey mind something to do, rather than fret!
    but since cards are a passion, I think it’s saying that these blogs & the Forums I interact with are giving me sustained satisfaction 🙂

    It is so fantastic to be able to share with people who are as fascinated with the different methods of divination as I am! If I were stuck with only finding people locally, it would be a very lonely world!

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